Sunday, September 2, 2007


Hello world!

Writing has always been something I've taken for granted. I just used it as a means to get as high as possible a grade for English. You could say it's like a gun, only used when it has to be used, and which jammed on me at a crucial moment (read 'O' levels).

So anyway, here I am using it to express ideas, feelings, fantasies, thoughts and many other intangible matter. I just hope through frequent postings (I aim to write a story, fictional or not, at least twice a week) that my ability to express is fine tuned.

Constructive comments are greatly welcomed, please leave them in the comment box. A tag box was not created on purpose as I feel people would put more thought into the words they leave as comments, not passing remarks.

I hope to update every saturday, be it a fictional or non-fictional story.

That's pretty much it and I look forward to a wonderful literary journey with you all!

P.S. Any similarities found in my stories and my life are purely coincidental. Then again, probably not.

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